Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Revision Fun?!

I'm finding it really hard to revise so I thought i might do a google search to see what I could do to make revision 'fun'. It turned out to be just about as helpful as going to a careers advisor without a clue about what you want to do. The best suggestion I found was posted on the bbc website here among other less helpful suggestions.

The idea is that everytime you are texting your friends you put something you need to remember for the exam at the end of the text.
Sounds good right? Well it would be except
1) Law isn't really the kind of thing you can revise with short text sentances unless you leave out all the case law eg For IP. Patents you need an Invention, Novelty, Inventive Step and Industrial Application. Ok so that is a whole text in itself, and then what about the case law for each section, where in the Act can you find them etc.
2) None of the people I text do my subjects which effectively makes it impossible. Would have been useful when I was doing my gcses though, maybe I should suggest it to my brother...

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