Friday, February 17, 2006

Monty Roberts demo was great!

'A closed mind is like a closed parachute, it will always let you down.' - Monty Roberts (variation of the common quote)

I went to see Monty Roberts yesterday (previous post about Monty Roberts)! I was very impressed especially with the horses who wouldn't load, one of them rearing all over the place, changed to trotting happily into the horse lorry. I really enjoyed the whole experience and it gave a whole new dimension on the idea of body language use with horses. I think the critics should try the techniques themselves with their own horses and then see what they believe. I know I have tried Join-Up myself with my horse and was happy to see what I already believed to be true, that it does work! And my horse has never been in contact with Monty, trust me on that.

I also learnt a couple of new things about Monty himself that I did not previously know. For example that he is 71 years old, and that he is not meant to ride horses anymore due to horse-riding injuries he has sustained! As a person Monty has a great sense of humour, although it would be hard to explain to those who don't know anything about horses!

Monty Roberts Website

1 comment:

JuliaR said...

How wonderful that you got to go to something like that. I read his book and it made me cry in parts.