Friday, February 03, 2006

Ahhh I've been given an Interview!

Ok i've been given an interview by Richards Butler and I really didn't see that coming, and its scary, especially because I really like their firm. Time to brush up on my law and firm knowledge... AHH! Luckily the firm website has a firm news section so that shouldn't be too hard (it will be the understanding the jargon that will be difficult). And the interview is on Valentines day, what a good job i'm single otherwise I'd have to make a very early career vs. relationship decision... I have a 30 minute verbal reasoning exercise (i did a tester one and didn't do very well, not helping my nerves), and a 30-40 minute interview.

I did a quick google search on the firm and found this profile on a blog 'inside info' of the firm. This from The Top 100 in the UK (They are number 26!). And this is the HR Survey of the firm from The

I'm very scared...

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