Sunday, January 29, 2006

Long time no post... But intersemester break and so its hectic!

Or at least it seems that way but actually it's only been a few days...

Law is snowing me under but I feel more optimistic today, and no I have no idea why! So I've made some belated new years resolutions... 1. go to the Hartley Library on campus (right) to do work (honestly this one should not be that hard, I live a 30 second walk from campus), 2. make sure I do at least four hours of work every day (that will be hard, haven't decided if that includes lectures yet... i'll let you know in a couple of months lol) and 3. try not to get distracted or talked into doing things I don't want to do (impossible- but thats what new years resolutions are for) ...which reminds me I need to start writing the article for our new law magazine that I volunteered to write about the intersemester break...!

Completely sick of online forms for vacation placements, especially ones that ask questions like "give an example of a situation in which you have been 'tough' as well as 'diplomatic' " which has lead to me slowly reducing the number I plan to fill in by the deadline as the days seem to fly by. It's ok! More deadlines in Febuary and March for different firms!

Visit to Bond Pearce on Friday was good. We were only expecting a tour of this regional firm but actually recieved a whole session on networking which was fun but scary, especially when they brought in people from all over their firm for us to network with, without telling them who we were or why they needed to talk to us!

Rolls Royce did a good business workshop involving engines, obviously! (can you believe they don't make cars! see I learnt something!)

Blake Lapthorn Linnell showed us application forms that people had submitted to them, which proved to me how I really need to 'step up my game' in regards to applications to firms (yes i am scared). We also played a game they used to use when people applied to them... which Jen then asked to take home to play as a drinking game... good application technique I thought...

Our intersemester break is a good idea, and it's a testament to those people who have organised it. We're lucky to have the opportunity to take part.

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