Sunday, April 01, 2007

Happy April Fools

Today has apparently already started with a host of bizarre lies April fools. Mashable has reported Google Paper which apparently is sending documents via snail mail with associated adverts (i think that is definately a fool), and if you head on down to the Google search page there is a lovely link to Google TiSP, which is apparently new breakthrough broadband that Google want to give you for free! It works through the sewer system and it's even vacuum sealed to prevent water damage... umm yes...

Keep your wits about you and Happy April Fools Day!

NB just discovered The Daily Puppy... is... for one day only... The Daily Guppy.

are also in on the act. Among my favourites are :
- Harry and Voldemort have listed their relationship as 'mortal enemies'
- Introducing LivePoke. Facebook will today send a real live person to poke a friend of your choice*. (*Offer only open to the first 100 pokers per network).

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