What is becoming increasingly clear to me is that i need several blogs for all the things that i want to talk about! There is no use to anyone me having a confusing blog which talks about lots of different things. What highlighted this to me was that this week i've had lots of things which could probably only come under a personal blog which i will state in a moment BUT i don't just want a personal blog which leads to my conclusion that i need to set up several blogs and then link them! perhaps get a domain name and space to set up the main site! i don't know i need to consider more!
yesterday i had the delight of climbing to the top of the law building for my tort tutorial, i was early (and dying from the steps, i'm either really unfit [which with riding again wouldn't make sense] or my asthma is getting worse again, or maybe i forget to breathe) so i stopped at the top window and discovered something that i haven't thought about in a long time... which is that being above everything and watching everything is strange but incrediably interesting, its like you're been let into 100 different peoples lives all at once! my best friend John once said to me when we were out in Southampton town that it was crazy that everyone we walked past had their own lives, their own thoughts, that they probably wouldn't remember passing us, thousands of different lives all in the same space, completely seperate. Or actually he probably said it in a more logical way than that but thats the confused version in my head right now! Thats what standing at the top of the law building is like. Realising that everyone you pass is moving on to do something themselves in their own lives!
On a much less deep note i saw a squizzel (squirrel) today and it was incrediably cute, i swear it thought i was stalking it coz it crossed the road, then i had to cross the road, then it went up my road, then i went up my road, and then it ran round the back of our house, and then i went into the house... but never mind, it was so cute!
the picture on this entry is one i took with my phone when we went out for my mother's birthday! such a beautiful house/castle on a beautiful day in Beaulieu (i think- didn't drive so didn't really need to know where!)
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