Wednesday, November 16, 2005

A Pretty Ad from Sony, and Other Things...

I am loving the new Sony Bravia tv advert! It's just great! If you haven't seen it i'd say look out for it but its actually pretty hard to miss, those channel flickers amongst you (we know who you are!) hit the link, but you won't get the full effect! Now speaking for my inner child, who wouldn't want to throw 250,000 bouncy balls down a sunny San Francisco street! I know i'm already yearning to do it (me and my housemate Laura have had lengthly discussions of the implications and cost etc. of such a thing down University Road... hypothetically of course) and i wonder how many recreations are going to hit the news causing havoc! I'm also lead to wondering how much bouncy ball sales are increasing as a result... which reminds me where can i get one from?...

I'm also loving the increase in pink phone selling as completely ridiculous as it sounds! I like my phone to be a bit girled up, and the increase in the competition from bigger name companies may make the original pink phone creators think about making a phone pretty... and shock horror... with some features we can actually use!!!
I personally still don't think we're there yet, for example rubbish VGA camera on the pink motorola v3, only being able to hold 20 (20!?!) text messages on the pretty VK mobiles from Vodafone and ridiculous compact style phones with crazy round key pads so we have to learn to text all over again?!
I say bring on phones that have megapixel cameras, at least 1.3mp, a large internal memory for EVERYTHING so if you have less pictures you can hold more text messages for example (an issue i have with my Samsung d500, i have 400 pictures saved on it, and have to keep repeatedly deleting my txt msgs because my 220 sms msg space is full, although i have tons more media memory, who the hell needs to keep more than 400 pictures on their phone at once, and i definately need more txt space!) and nice fonts (Samsung have definately cornered the market in that!), that aren't boring to use (Nokia? are you listening?) and that are preferably in nice girly colours like baby blue, pink and purple!
I don't think i'm asking too much, and i also, unlike others, do not feel insulted by the companies stereotyping all girls as wanting girly colours (i don't want a chunky ugly grey man phone!)!

Feeling a little stressed currently as have sooooooooooo much work to do! In between trying to keep all my tutors happy, i have to attend lectures, do JCR stuff, do Arabic work and go riding!
Ok well maybe i don't HAVE to go riding but its the only thing i want to do at the moment so i'm keeping that... Rode a cute pony last Saturday called Hercules, non-riders won't understand what i mean but we just clicked and worked really well together! The last jump was absolutely perfect! :) I'm taught by Sally Thompson (she's ridden in top TOP competitions!) and she's a really great teacher! Got a jumping lesson on Saturday which should be cool, hopefully i'll get Herc again, he's a sweetheart!

Right must go do some prep, law fair tommorrow as well... ah!...

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